I've been keeping fancy guppies in my 75 liter tank for about 6 months now. Guppies are VERY easy to take care of. Currently, I have 4 males, and 3 females. At one time, there were 4 males and 4 females, but my favorite female died while giving birth...go figure. That is pretty much the only downside of having them, is their rate of reproduction. You can count on having to chase the little babies around the tank with the net about once a month, but I usually have to do it more often. I did kept a male betta in the tank with them at one time, but the guppies had already been in the tank for 2 months, and I suppose became territorial, because a short time later I found my betta missing pieces of tale. When my betta got "Ich", he naturally passed it on to my Guppies, but only 2 of the 4 females got it, and no males were affected. My betta, now in his own 8 liter tank, shows no aggression towards the larger babies which I occasionally have to place in his tank. For someone that has no idea what to do with the baby guppies which are overpopulating the tank, this may be a good idea to try while trying to find a "Mom & Pop" petshop that would take them.
Common name: Guppy
Scientific/Latin names: oecilia reticulata
Maximum length: Males 0.8 to 1.8 inches, females 1.5 to 2.8 inches
Colors: Red, blue, yellow, black, white, gold, green, and many more
Temperature preference: 65 to 75 degrees F
pH preference: 7 to 8.5
Hardness preference: Moderate to hard
Salinity preference: 1 Tablespoon per 4-5 gallons
Compatibility: Good for other same size fish
Life span: 2 to 5 years
Ease of keeping: Easy
Ease of breeding: Easy